
Reassessing or leaving Christianity can impact you like any other major change or loss can. However, unlike other losses it may be hard to get support from those around you if they are still very invested in these beliefs or are not religious and don’t understand what the problem is. What is the big deal? But it is a big deal.  What was once the most important thing in your life may have been revealed to have significant problems to it. However, all is not lost and there are a number of options going forwards.

Leaving Christianity can be hard

In terms of personal experience it took me two years to leave Christianity after investing significant time, friendships and identity in being part of it. I felt I was connected to something real spiritually but at the same time I was seeing more problems with the doctrines. To have both happen simultaneously was confusing and the two needed to be separated. This journey eventually resulted in me leaving traditional Christianity (or separating myself from the key claims of Christianity) but trying to maintain some connection to God.


The process can take a while

The process wasn’t instant. One by one the key doctrines fell away the more I read and searched. I looked for more progressive forms of Christianity where the doctrines were not held so tightly but ultimately the key doctrines were still there. Eventually the image of a dying man as a sacrifice to an angry God just seemed wrong – when all encounters with God from mystics to near-death experiencers was one of love.  It just didn’t make sense.

Atheism can be the natural result when leaving Christianity.  If major doctrines from the Bible aren’t true then perhaps nothing spiritual is true. It was very hard to untangle what was true from all the layers that had been added.  But when I left I kept my connection to God – the natural connection which lay beneath.  I was also drawn to the teachings of Jesus relating to the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Keeping the spiritual connection

I realized many others had come to the same realization that Jesus brought a message of love and revelation of a loving God.  However, the teachings of Jesus had been obscured by a religion about Jesus as time went on.  

There are many books and articles pointing out all the flaws in Christianity, some which highlighted the above message, but I found it harder to find sources which remained connected to the greater spiritual reality that I believed Jesus was trying to reveal.

None of the major religions really worked and the idea of just “awakening” or “going beyond the ego” didn’t seem enough either.  Peak experiences can happen but from all the after-death evidence it seemed clear we continue as spiritual beings after death, rather than disappearing into universal consciousness. However, after significant searching I feel connected and comfortable on my path and I am encouraged whenever I find others doing a similar thing.

Seeking support

It may not be easy discussing these options with those around you if they are fully invested in the faith. If any of the above resonates with you or you would like to discuss doubts you are having and think some mentoring would help then please do get in contact.  My own interest lies in leaving Christianity while maintaining a connection with the greater spirituality, so this would work best for those who still want to connect to God in some way or are still seeking in a spiritual direction but don’t quite know what this is yet.

All doubts are allowable, anything can be questioned but some bits you may want to keep, so don’t feel you have to through it all away.  I believe a loving God is real, we are spiritual beings here on Earth with a purpose, but that Christianity can sometimes block this.  Once this layer is removed things become a bit clearer. If you would like to make contact or to book a session please feel free to use the form below.
